Feeling Good as a Path to Resilience


The world often feels like it’s moving at an exhausting pace. Uncertainty, unrest, and division seem to ripple through our news feeds, our conversations, and even our thoughts. It’s easy to feel swept up in the chaos, absorbing the fear and frustration around us.



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A New Way to Be in 2025

Happy New Year, everyone!


I can hardly believe it’s 2025. As a kid, I never imagined my life beyond 2000—anything 2000 on seemed as futuristic as The Jetsons did in the 80ties. And here I am, writing this while listening to music on a wireless speaker that is sent from an...

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Resilience Through Rest: Why Slowing Down is Key


When was the last time you truly rested—not just paused, but recharged in a way that fuelled your energy and resilience?


Many of us—myself included—have deeply ingrained beliefs that to be successful, and even to feel valuable in society, we need to go, go, go and...

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Resilience Through Intentional Living


I’ve always been a “good girl.” I got good marks, had nice friends, and followed the path that seemed laid out for me. In high school, teachers suggested I should become a lawyer. It sounded impressive, my parents approved, and so I followed that idea into...

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Thriving Through Perimenopause and Beyond – A Yogic Perspective


“Menopause is the gateway into your wisdom years.”
~ Dr. Christine Northrup


Every time I log into social media these days, from YouTube to Instagram, I'm greeted with a flurry of videos and reels discussing perimenopause and menopause. It seems like my phone’s...

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Get happier with this magic formula

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. - Marthe Troly-Curtin

What makes you smile? Laugh? Feel giddy? For some, it’s a walk barefoot through the grass. For another, it’s a spin on a roller coaster, a solo movie date or a perfectly ripe mango.

So… when was the last time...

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The power of intention

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desire to reach their potential.” - John C. Maxwell

Two friends are chatting about their lifestyles. The first one says, “I want to be healthy and feel great.” The second one...

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Have a great day, every day.

“Make each day your masterpiece” – John Wooden

Did you know that you can set an intention to have a great day?
Rather than diving into your morning and hoping you’ll achieve your day’s big goal, take back your morning and set yourself up for success. Before doing...

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Is work-life balance a myth?

“Work-life balance was a mistake from the start. Because we don't really want balance. We want satisfaction.” - Matthew Kelly, author

Balance is a sticky subject among many people. We have careers, partners, children, family and social commitments, charity work, classes, hobbies, plus...

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This is your life


I am so glad you are here. I’m eager to share with you valuable, actionable bio-hacks that will not only make you feel better but enhance your performance at work, home and play.

So many of us are: “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” as Joe Cross boldly asserts in his movie by...

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